The National Seed Trade Association of Ghana is thrilled to announce the resounding success of the 2024 Seed and Inputs Fairs, a pivotal event held from May 28 to June 10, 2024.

Date: June 21, 2024

The National Seed Trade Association of Ghana is thrilled to announce the resounding success of the 2024 Seed and Inputs Fairs, a pivotal event held from May 28 to June 10, 2024. This annual gathering, supported by collaborations with FarmRadio International, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the World Food Programme, and sponsorship from FertAgro, was made possible through funding from the Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience Activity and AGRA via USAID’s Partnership for an Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa (PIATA) program. The fairs spanned six strategic districts across Northern Ghana, drawing a diverse crowd of participants and exhibitors.

Regional Participation and Engagement
The fair’s journey began in the Upper West Region, at Wa's Jubilee Park, with 116 participants, where women made up 21% of attendees. The journey continued in the Sissala districts (comprising Sissala East and Sissala West), where the events saw a combined attendance of 496 individuals, with a remarkable 67% female participation, highlighting the growing involvement of women in agriculture in these areas.

In the Upper East Region, at the Builsa North, Builsa Traditional Zonal Council Durbar Grounds, the fair drew its largest crowd of 510 participants, with women representing 63% of this group, underscoring the significant role that women are playing in the region's agricultural sector.

Further enhancing the fair’s footprint, the event reached the North East and Northern Regions, with gatherings at Yagaba and Savelugu respectively. These locations together saw 469 attendees, maintaining a strong female presence with about 28% participation, reinforcing the inclusive nature of this agricultural initiative.

Exhibition Impact
Throughout the fair, 21 top agricultural companies took the opportunity to exhibit a wide array of products, including quality-certified seeds and cutting-edge agrochemicals. These exhibitions were more than just displays; they were interactive platforms for knowledge exchange and technological demonstrations, directly connecting farmers with innovations that could transform their agricultural practices.

Objectives Accomplished

1. Networking: The fair provided a dynamic environment for stakeholders from various sectors of the agriculture industry to create networks and forge lasting partnerships.
2. Exhibition: Exhibitors showcased their latest products and technologies, engaging directly with an audience eager for new solutions.
3. Farmer Engagement: The fair facilitated direct interactions between farmers and industry experts, enabling farmers to acquire the necessary tools and knowledge to kickstart a productive planting season.

The National Seed Trade Association of Ghana expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all participants, partners, and sponsors for their pivotal roles in the success of the 2024 Seed Fair. This event not only demonstrated the vitality of Ghana's agricultural sector but also highlighted the collaborative effort of multiple organizations working towards the common goal of sustainable agricultural development.


Brief Intro

The National Seed Trade Association of Ghana (NASTAG) is an amalgamation of all the seed value chain actors, and was established in February 2016. It currently counts 36 members and expected to grow. The Association is dedicated to supporting the competitiveness of Ghana’s seed value chain through business and technical capacity building of its members

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