Plans for the 21st AFSTA annual congress due from 1st to 4thMarch 2021 in Marrakech, Morocco are complete

Plans for the 21st AFSTA annual congress  due  from  1st  to  4thMarch  2021  in  Marrakech,  Morocco are complete. The President of  the  Moroccan  Seed  Association  (FNIS),  Mr.  Ahmed  Ouayach,  said  that they are ready to welcome the delegates to the ocher city.Early bird registration will open by the  end  of  November  2020  until  31st  January  2021. 

Delegates  are  strongly advised to take advantage...Read more


Brief Intro

The National Seed Trade Association of Ghana (NASTAG) is an amalgamation of all the seed value chain actors, and was established in February 2016. It currently counts 36 members and expected to grow. The Association is dedicated to supporting the competitiveness of Ghana’s seed value chain through business and technical capacity building of its members

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#7 Larye-Ania Street, West Legon

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