
The National Seed Trade Association of Ghana (NASTAG) is an amalgamation of all the value chain actors in the seed industry which culminated from a resolution passed by stakeholders in a meeting sponsored by the USAID - Agriculture Policy Support Project (USAID /APSP) in November 2015.  It is a not-for-profit membership-based association limited by guarantee, incorporated in February 2016 and officially launched in August 2017. NASTAG is dedicated to supporting the competitiveness of Ghana’s seed value chain through business and technical capacity building of its members, promotion of effective collaboration among and between actors, advocacy, regulation and standardization, and provision of general seed information. It has positioned itself to supporting the industry players to develop their niche to the fullest potential for individual and collective benefits; ultimately contributing to enhancing agricultural production that will improve farmers livelihoods and overall agriculture in Ghana.

Our Vision is to;

Be the apex organization for promoting the growth of the seed industry through the improvement of members’ businesses and the use of quality seed for improved livelihoods in Ghana.

Our Mission is;

To fulfill the interests of the members through a strong advocacy program and the capacity building of members in technical skills, business, and ethics.  NASTAG and its membership is committed to increasing the quantity, quality and efficient distribution of seeds in Ghana that will contribute to assure adequate food security.

Core Values

Strategic Goals

Goal 1: Enhance NASTAG’s exposure and recognition

Goal 2: Develop sources funding to sustain NASTAG

Goal 3: Serve as the channel for the provision of improved seeds

Goal 4: Enhance seed marketing to reach all farmers, increasing yields and improving livelihoods

Goal 5: Advocate for and contribute to an efficient and evidence-based agricultural legal environment

Goal 6: Contribute to secure funding for National Seed Plan implementation

Our membership currently is open to all seed value chain stakeholders including registered companies of producers, processors, traders, distributors and other auxiliary registered companies and government institutions.